e-sensing: big earth observation data analytics for land use and land cover change information

The e-sensing project develops new ways to extract information on land use and land cover change from big Earth Observation data sets, using open Science. Our project is building a new generation of knowledge platforms for handling big geospatial data.

The "e-sensing" project has been supported by FAPESP (grant 2014/08398-6), under the "e-science" program for the period 2015-2019.

For more information, please see the project overview, the project proposal, or the project presentation.

e-sensing project launches new version of SITS package

March 2019

New version of the SITS (satellite image time series) R package supports for SOM clustering and bayesian post_classification..."


dtwSat paper at Journal of Statistical Software

February 2019

We published a paper describing the R package for time-weigthed dynamic time warping..."


new paper on LUCC classification

November 2018

The e-sensing team produced a new LUCC for the Mato Grosso state in Brazil from 2001 to 2016..."


Paper published in IEEE JSTARS

February 2016

We published a paper describing a new method for satellite image time series analysis in IEEE JSTARS..."

February 2016
Paper published in IEEE JSTARS
December 2015
PhD thesis on forest degradation
December 2015
Fellowship holders selected

Image Processing Division

National Institute for Space Research - Brazil

São Paulo Research Foundation

FAPESP Research Program in eScience